Faça parte da transformação
do mercado imobiliário!

Dias 15, 16 e 17 Outubro de 2024
Distrito Anhembi, São Paulo

Dias 15, 16 e 17 Outubro de 2024 - Distrito Anhembi, São Paulo

Porque participar do CIMI360?

Um evento magnífico com:

0 K
profissionais do mercado imobiliário
países presentes
0 K
m² de área

Aprendizado de altíssimo valor
para alavancar resultados no mercado imobiliário

Feira de imóveis
Nacionais e

Oportunidade única
de formentar e gerar
novos negócios

horas de Oficinas
temas de oficinas





Junior Neves

CEO of Intermediare Brokerage Business & Training

Business Management by Estácio de Sá College. Realtor and legal appraiser. Founder and CEO of Intermediare Brokerage Business & Treinamentos. Creator of the digital platform FIDO.ONE. Junior Neves has acted as team leader in Lopes Consultoria Imobiliária, in the civil, entrepreneurial, family and succession courts and as a technical assistant in funds, banks, law firms and great constructors. 3rd place in Raja Valley – Lounge 2019, participant in Lounge COTEMIG 2019. Sales to retailers training – Friedman Group

Petrus Mendonça

Professor at ALFAMA Courses

With more than 30 years in the Real Estate Market, it has trained more than 5,000 students and worked on 2,500 residential and commercial property leases. He is a professor of Real Estate Law in extension courses at the Faculty of Law of Pernambuco (FCAP-UPE) and also at Alfama Cursos. Lawyer specializing in Real Estate Law and founding partner of the firm De Souza Mendonça Advocacia. Real estate broker judicial appraiser. Author of the books: Real Estate Brokerage Contract / Real Estate Broker’s Manual / Procedures and Guidelines in Property Regularization / Property Leasing and Rental Administration.

Luiz Fernando Pinto Barcellos

Director of International Relations at the Federal Council of Real Estate Brokers - COFECI

Civil engineer. Training in Law. Real Estate Broker and Appraiser. Director of International Relations at COFECI. Director of Assessments at CRECI MT. President of CILA – Confederación Inmobiliaria Latino-Americana 2018. Founding partner of IBAPE-MT. International member of NAR – National Association of Realtors. CIPS course instructor, accredited by NAR. Director at the company BARCELLOS Intelligence Imobiliária EIRELI. Expert Appraiser with extensive experience in the judicial area.

Reynaldo Marques

Real Estate Appraiser and Forensic Expert

Reynaldo Marques da Silva, realtor, real estate appraiser – CRECI SP, with CNAI, law graduate, student of real estate business, legal appraiser, registered in TJSP and TRF/SP. More than 15 years working exclusively with appraisals and assessments of real estate. Technical assistant, assisting lawyers since 2007. Influencer in real estate assessments and appraisals of thousands of realtors in Brazil. Creator of many groups of realtors, real estate appraisers and legal appraisers in national level. ICI (Real Estate Culture Institute) consultant, authorship of Dr. Nilson Araujo.

Paulo Roberto


CEO of AVALION – Avaliação e Captação de Imóveis. Realtor and appraiser. Manager in Real Estate Business by ULBRA. Viability of Enterprises and Real Estate Incorporations by FGV. Member of NAR – National Association of Realtors. CIPS Certified International Property Specialist. Avalieja – Appraisal and Real Estate Audit

Gabriel Villarreal

Diretor Jurídico e de Relações Estratégias da RE/MAX Brasil

20 anos de experiência como advogado e empresário no escritório Villarreal Advogados Associados. Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade Mackenzie, com Pós-Graduação em Direito Tributário pela PUC/SP e Mestrado em Direito Político e Econômico pela mesma instituição. Possui certificados em Contract Law pela Universidade de Harvard, Liderança e Inovação pelo M.I.T., Excelência de Negócios e no Atendimento pelo Disney Institute. Atua como Diretor Jurídico da RE/MAX Brasil, onde desde 2009 desenvolveu o sistema de franquias e gerencia o sistema de franchising. É professor no MBA da USP/Esalq desde 2022, abordando Acordo de Sócios e Planejamento Sucessório. É autor dos livros “Planejamento Fiscal” e “Planejamento Sucessório”, publicados pela Editora Sirius, além de ter escrito artigos acadêmicos e de imprensa focados em franchising e direito tributário.

Caio Calfat


Fundador, Presidente (2019-2025) e membro do Conselho de Administração (2011-2019) da ADIT Brasil. Vice-presidente de Assuntos Turísticos Imobiliários (2012-2026) e membro do Conselho Consultivo (desde 2022) do SECOVI-SP. Membro do Conselho Consultivo do SPCVB (2013-2019, 2023-2025) e seu vice-presidente do Conselho de Administração (2019-2023). Fundador, ex-Vice-presidente (1998-2004), ex-Presidente (2004-2005) e membro do Conselho Deliberativo Vitalício (desde 2005) da LARES. Autor do livro “Hotelaria e Desenvolvimento Urbano em São Paulo”. Professor de MBAs em Real Estate há 25 anos.

Gustavo Feola

Director of Gustavo Feola Neg. Real estate

Gustavo is undergraduated in Civil Engeneering from Faap in 1997 with specialization in Entrepreneurial Management at the Business School SP in 2002 and has been a realtor specialized in negotiation of areas for incorporation since 2008. He has a 25-year experience in the real estate market, construction and incorporation. Director-partner of Gustavo Feola Negócios Imobiliários. Judicial and extrajudicial mediator formed in the Instituto Mediativa in 2020. He was partner in a traditional constructor company and in a chain of retail clothes shop, both from his family, before he built the company focused on the intermediation of areas in 2008. Affiliated and active participant in SECOVI, CRECI and CREA.

Eliane Ribeiro

Founder and CEO Eliane Ribeiro & Team + Founding Partner RE/MAX Grupo Latina Brasil and Grupo RE/MAX ECO Portugal

More than 22 years in real estate, since 2010 at RE/MAX, with extensive experience in the Global Real Estate Market sector, as well as in the areas of Marketing, Communication, Networking, Training and Commercial Management. Advisor to the International Strategic Council – APEMIP. Master in Luxury Management – Catholic University. Ambassador Re/Max Europe & Re/Max Brazil. Master Ambassador of the Portuguese Language Business Women’s Club. First in Portugal to receive the award The Best Luxury Real Estate Broker in Portugal (2020 & 2021). Co-Founder PRTeam, Lda. Founder Eliane Ribeiro Team. Co-Founder Grupo Latina Brasil. Co-Founder Private Advisor.

Marta Faustino

CEO of DTB Group

CEO of DTB Group, Marta Faustino is a specialist in real estate investments in Florida, with over 18 years of experience in the US. Fluent in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, she offers personalized services for Brazilian investors interested in acquiring properties in the US. With her expertise, Marta identifies investment opportunities and maximizes returns, understanding each client’s individual needs. A speaker at international events, her background in Economics, Spanish Literature, and Business Administration sets her apart. If you are looking to invest in the United States, Marta Faustino is the reliable professional to help you achieve your goals with confidence.

Patrícia Curvelo

Investment Advisory Specialized in Real Estate Auctions

Pioneer realtor in acting in the auction market. Business administration and MBA in Marketing (Ibmec). Knowledge management and Entrepreneurial Intelligence by Coppe/UFRJ. Co-founder and partner of a unique format of Real Estate Investments Advisory. Completing 10 years in the exploration of the advisory format acting together with the main financial institutions for real estate sales executed by the rules of Fiduciary Alienation, negotiated through auctions. Strong relationships with the main Brazilian auctioneers. Specialized advisory to buyers and investors from sales to opportunity price with total operation safety. Patricia acts via intelligent, modern and effective strategies for the Writ of Entry stage, with 70% of the cases having key delivery in a friendly manner and total regularization of the property after the auction. More than 300 advised buyers, in the purchase of more than 500 properties, moving R$150m in properties.

Lucimar Alves Elias

President of the National Federation of Real Estate Brokers – FENACI

More than 30 years of experience in the real estate market, with a TTI and Real Estate Management Course (Universidade Salvador de Oliveira). Expert in Real Estate Appraisals (CNAI-10533). Member of NAR and CIPS. He presided over the Real Estate Brokers Union of Goiás (2013-2018) and since 2019 has assumed the Presidency of the National Federation of Real Estate Brokers. She left her mark at Imobiliária Provenda and, as director of Terra Administração de Imóveis, continues to contribute to the sector. He also participated in international seminars at the University of Workers of Latin America, in Bogotá-Colombia (2013, 2015 and 2016).


Tier 3 tickets:

12x of R$ 77,75 NO INTEREST
or R$933,00 in a lump sum



Do you need to travel to attend CIMI360?
Talk to the official travel agency

Plane tickets with 10% discount for the event’s participants!

Hotel reservations with up to 20% discount for the event’s participants!

Shuttles to assure a safe, economic and punctual transportation.

Travel insurance included in the package, travel with no worries or headaches.

Frequent Questions

CIMI360 is the greatest Real Estate Market event of Latin America.

In its new edition, it was totally revamped to meet the sector’s professionals’ needs.

The event’s focus is real learning, exchange of experiences and networking.

With more than 670 hours of workshops comprehending 96 themes, CIMI360 offers practical learning conducted by experienced instructors.

Guarantee your spot in CIMI360!

In case of loss or misplacement, a new credential will cost R$500.00.

CIMI 360 will be 100% presential.

CIMI360 does not fit in Law No. 12,933, which determines benefits for students and other citizens in cultural-artistic and sports events (cinema, theaters, musical and circus performances, educational, sports, leisure and entertainment events). Look Art 1st of the Law.

You can access all the workshops you want, but the workshop rooms are subject to capacity and the entrance will be by arriving order. It is important to reinforce that we significantly enlarged the structure and balanced the rooms according to the demand history and distribution perceived in the past editions.

O CIMI360 will happen on October 15, 16 and 17th, 2024 in Distrito Anhembi, São Paulo, Brazil.

You may buy your ticket by clicking on this link . Just click on one of the “Buy your ticket now” buttons on the website.

Afterwards, it is necessary to fill out a form with your personal data and choose the payment method.

You may pay with a credit card (up to 12 installments with no interest), PIX or bank slip.

Yes, you may pay the ticket in 12 installments (no interests) using your credit card.





Tempo não se recupera
Não desperdice o seu.

João Teodoro da Silva

Presidente do Sistema

Não se trata de
vender imóveis,
mas de mudar a
vida das pessoas.

Heitor Kuser


O CIMI360 sempre destacou como precursor e inspiração para eventos imobiliários, oferecendo um formato multidisciplinar repleto de palestras e oficinas, focado em conteúdo relevante e oportunidades de networking. Com mais de 120 palestras por evento.

Agora, totalmente repaginado, o CIMI360 vai atender todo o mercado imobiliário com oficinas temáticas práticas, conduzidas por profissionais que atuam no dia a dia e de fato constroem o setor imobiliário.

O CIMI360 não terá palestras e nenhuma ação simplesmente motivacional, afinal de contas o profissional do mercado já é motivado por si, pois todo o dia, o dia todo trabalha e pensa em produzir, vender, entregar.

A curadoria do CIMI360 se empenha em selecionar instrutores de qualidade, com foco em experiências reais e contribuições significativas ao mercado, em vez de simplesmente trazer famosos, pop-stars.

Conceitos —

O que é um workshop? Um workshop é uma reunião de grupos interessados em um projeto ou atividade específica, para discussão e aprofundamento em temas de interesse mútuo. Geralmente, um workshop tem como objetivo desenvolver habilidades práticas em um ambiente colaborativo

Uma oficina temática é uma abordagem de ensino-aprendizagem que busca soluções para problemas específicos, combinando conhecimentos práticos e teóricos. Ela se baseia na contextualização do conhecimento e na experimentação ativa.

São profissionais que ensinam e preparam treinamentos, elaborando materiais e atividades teóricas e práticas para capacitar e desenvolver pessoas em diversas áreas.

Deseja estar conosco no CIMI360 como um patrocinado/expositor? Preencha seus dados abaixo que a nossa equipe entrará em contato.

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